..:: iGAPES – H.I.P.S. Case Study 01 ::..

We wary dear viewer and be educated on the latest iGAPES releated side effect, HIPS!

I’d made mention of HIPS themed girls before but felt this maybe a point to bang this one out. Originally I’d decided that wide hipped girls would be another body type of gaper with a much broader lower section than a normal girl…

but then the more I thought about it and most gapers of large large iG size usually have these elements about them in the art and as they grow, it’s just less obvious as they are kinda hidden or your eyes are on the huge pussy mound instead.

So making this a thing, H.I.P.S. being a side effect of gapers can be a reason for having a ‘normal’ XXL stretched pussy or a ‘pumped’ stretched pussy and have some lore as to why it exists OR reason why a girl would seek it out to have a swollen mound of a pussy ready to rock.

Hope to do more of these going forwards (and more lore with them), as doing smaller gaped girls = more dynamic poses = easier to bang out. I’m pleased with this one and was fairly quick to do. Speaking of which, don’t expect an update next week -_- Important week for me, and can’t do art (shouldn’t have done this one, but I was going mad, so had to be creative and do something! ^_^)

If you enjoy this size and scale for a change then hit me up with a +1 below if ya would kindly and be working on new stuff ASAP! Cheers – Sius


Posted in ART WORK, SIUS' ARTWORKS | Tagged as: ,

..:: Links Fixed! ::..

TL;DR – Fixed image links, please view. Links in post. Sorry, Enjoy!

SUPER Quick post – I was looking to prep for an update, as I’ve been busy with other aspects (as mentioned in my prior posts) but found that in the Arcaida and Loosely broke beginnings images that none of the images actually went to the image.

I’m blaming the new phone friendly and slightly busted new wordpress back end (seriously, its horrid, find classic if you ever use WP!) but I’ve sorted out the images, so you can see them all in wide screen, full detail. Wish somebody had made mention sooner, but its also 100% my fault, so sorry about that gang!

Anyhow back so it. Go check them pics out ^^ Hope you like them!

Posted in SIUS SAYS...

..:: Poll – Story Content ::..

Hay all – I have a big story based poll to post and something to discuss, so let us begin!

Stories Content - what content would you like to see the most?, What works the best for you? (MULTI-VOTE)

View Results

POLL – Multi questions, multi answers. I’ve split the sections into A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.

Please try and answer just ONE from EACH A,B,C (and beyond) sections, the one that you sounds the best from the selection. You should have 6 votes, one for each section A->F

There are no right answers, just the things you’d like to see most of all.

From your answers I’ll try and put my content in line with what pleases people most going forwards. If nothing else it’ll be a most curious way to drive where my content will go.

Thank you a big one for taking the time to give my your ideas!


ART? – Oh shit son, I’ve been lazy and not completed the work I should have for this update. OH FUCK!… *sigh*….

I’d hoped for some Valentines girls this week, and while both are WIP ready, it’s too rough to release and I’m out of time… but that’s okay, I swear, I’ll release it under general romance, maybe gaper dating as a theme and story, which fits the same theme I guess, you’ll love it all the same and will get it! But yes, sorry for the delay.

Too much– So if anything this last week or so I’ve suffered from too much creative juices…. sometimes you don’t have enough, other time too much to get it out of your head onto a page and it becomes a big swirling mess inside your head and comes out total jank… It’s a problem being creative some times… your not creative, lol.

But on the plus side I’ve fought off an illness and the depression that is the no sun UK over winter is coming to a close, so maybe more forth coming in design work? Can but hope.


STORIES – So I think I have to remind myself that I am actually quite good at writing and writing this stuff, more than the average I’ve learnt over the years and so think I’d like to maybe do some more; thus the poll above. (Thanks again for the votes, you’re a good person and I think you deserve extra cheese for your offering.) So I should do more on this (as well as photomanips, but that’s for another day)

So I’ll end up doing what comes to mind and bare the results also as I write. I tend to be a little extreme (but not mean spirited or so graphic is horrid) but if you enjoy gaping as a kink more than being a size fan, I’m sure you will dig them! Looking forwards to seeing how well they go down.

Art for short stories? – If they do well and I feel in the mood, I might add images of the girls inside the stories as a little something extra to ground the girls and visualize things.

Short stories for art? – The other is true, I might write a small extract and do a image based on it, what I come up with. I’ve always enjoyed doing captions to make my content have meaning but giving the writing a little more time usually draws me in much more to my creation. Maybe this will mix things up and give some fun character dynamic that just writing a caption off the top of my head weilds. Will let you know how well this works.


THEMES / ACRONYMS  – I’ve also may try… (successfully or not) to try and do the fun acronym thing with themes I like to. iGAPES is an acronym (i)ncreased (G)enitalia (A)ltering (P)ubis [or Pussy] (E)xpanding (S)ynapsis and I’ve added with tagged with H.I.P.S. as (H)orizontally (I)ncreased (P)elvic (S)ymptoms and I might try for other things like VORE, ALPHA and other ones… maybe fun to add that to content as text, in stories and for giggles. Anybody who’s good at word play, drop me a line and maybe see what we can do? Give Sius a hand for better material.

I have more to say on things that have happened, but I might save that for next week and see how things go and discuss that then. For now I’ll leave the poll for a small time and hope you’ll give it your time please and we’ll try again in a week or so’s time. Also, heads up, did say that end of Feb maybe a little light due to other RL things, that may come into effect. Least you know ^^ – Sius out.


Posted in POLL QUESTION, SIUS SAYS... | Tagged as:

..:: Spotlight – ArkStorm(99) ::..


Introducing on iGAPES, the creations of ArkStorm (99)


I’ve been a admirer of his work for quite some time, ArkStorm has done really fab manips as you can see in the past and has allowed me to share them here on iGAPES.

His old stomping ground was on tumblr until it killed it’s creative community and left contact people like Arkstorm a bit of a nightmare until I got lucky and he appeared on the my Discord channel and so could show the world a bit more of his works and keep them shown that much easier.

As you can see we have a bit a few kinks going on here, some gaping and pumped gaped pussy works, egg laying, some heavy fem cum, cum collection, pregnancy and heavy breasts. Its heavily inspired by the idea of hyper birth and the effects on a body changing to adapt to getting pregnant and going down into that deep rabbit hole.

He’s also started to move into drawn content which allows for much more freedom vs photomanipulations (I feel you brother) and is soon to try his hand at digital art with the old stylus and gubbins like that. But for now we have some hand done art with pencils and such below. Hopefully he can get up to speed with the digital art (a thing to learn in itself) and see what happens after that!

Arkstorm can be contacted on j.arkstorm@yahoo.com and we have a deviant art page at https://www.deviantart.com/creamypleasures

While he’s not certain on commissions just right now (seeing how that digital are comes out first) in the future it’s a possibility at least.

I’m rather pleased to have another creative individual in the scene and hope you like his works also. Enjoy!


..:: iGAPES – Loosely Broken Beginnings ::..

Delayed getting this to the website (sorry Sunday updater-ers) but finally tis released.

This ones a little more ‘grounded’ of sorts compared to the more swollen mass of vagina and a little more still unrealistically huge gape – but sometimes going back to basics can be just as impactful!

I’m never sure how well these images go down as I’m known for the over the top and excess style and such, but I love being to be able to do these poses.

Funny enough this kind of thing with a massive ‘pumped / swollen’ vagina just looks lazy with a huge pussy and a head and legs poking out the sides and I don’t think it looks good at all so it’s nice to be able to get a more dynamic pose out there (more than just standing – a sadly common pose when dealing with excess size).

Anyhow I might do a little more with this one (CG?) I don’t know, but if not I’m pleased with it all the same if I can’t be bothered.

I’ve done a few mod’s and alt versions here with clothes, piercings / harness, mutational extra pussies and other bits so hopefully there is something you like the look of in the selection!

I also love doing more grounded ones because while I hope it inspires others to do more art and stories like this themselves and with other content I make…

… with these I hope that it might actually inspire other women who enjoy this kind of content to continue stretching or to maybe start this kink if they are on the edge of getting into it and it opens their hearts, minds and pussy to a fun new world. If any girl does, you’ll have to let me know on discord! I’d please me no end to know.

Anyhow, hoping to maybe get a story out Sunday (the one I promised for last Sunday) and February maybe a hit and miss month for content (got time for ar to be done but I have important events that require time to ‘work towards’ it being a success, so maybe a little quiet – but at least you know. – cheers, Sius



..:: WIP – Arcadia – Ontop ::..

So hay, I promsed that I was going to update the website every week ideally – and while my recent one wasn’t completed, here is a mostly done WIP version of it.

Pleased with this one and have a story in the works to go with it and added some fun alt image below!

Kimika / Arcadia I hope to maybe finish off next week all being well or soon enough (maybe some CG at some point?) as well as the very delayed new years image (which at this point maybe just another image *cough*

Above we have a way you’d have to ‘mount’ a pussy like this I guess, also Cunt-zilla strikes again – poor Tokyo!!

If you enjoyed it do me a solid a thumbs up as always helps me know you liked what you saw. More, maybe finished this and a story before long ^^