Start As We Mean To Go On – Quickly before I begin, wishing a happy new year to you all, let’s make it a good one huh ^_^ Plans as always with my art work, projects, and hopefully with some extra effort from me we can make this happen. Closer to really making big content happen than it’d been in years, so watch this space!
Light On Delivery – Apologies for the lack of content at the end of 2016, I was overrun with events and RL bits and before I knew it the year had come to a close ¬_¬ Dreadful problem to fix in the future ^_^ So yes, sorry again.
Last Polls Debrief – A quick break down of the poll results from HERE – firstly, great input and delighted by the fact people have been honest and participated. I know it only takes a click, but you all are the best for giving me your time and help. Below is my take from whats been posted
How often do you check this website for new content? – Honestly I’m so stoked that there is so many who visit far more often then I would have guessed. Very humbling and makes me feel quite bad too for being so slow with my material. My dream is to post regularly with coloured material and maybe other things beyond too. Its fab to be reminded that people care and the drive and desire for these crazy massive cunts and just stretching as a whole is there. Again, thanks to you all for this reminder!
Mental change, Which mindset do you like characters to develop the most? – I’ve learnt more of a understanding and what people desire and feel about the characters from this. I consider the top four all relevant, but its telling the top ones are more based on a drive and a personal lust for growing. Then it’s followed with a more ‘natural’ understanding lifestyle choices and surreal acceptance.
The ones barely ticked are more a domination / submissive slant to them, which is important, but very obviously not the driving factor of desire from you all. I will be basing future art and captions to reflect this and maybe add more characters to give you more what you like.
Growth sequence desire- What makes a good growth sequence? – After a few days I realized I’d fucked up SO hard on my descriptions on this one. It was more or less even on scores but it generally confused or was poorly explained. Without examples and people maybe having context for my mindset this was a hodpodge of crap, lol. I will endeavour to do better in the future. The people who tried to help and answer this stupid question are heros for the help tho!
New Polls – So a nice way to warm into the new year is I’ve got a nice poll for you with some high class porn art. This first one is real simple but very useful for me.
Poll One – I’ve done a doodle so far that has the girl in different stages or key part of her changes between each stage. If you can vote on the one you LIKE the MOST. I’ll help me out and of course the final version of this will focus on this with more alt versions / clothes and what not. Sometimes it hard to call what people desire ATM and as you can see this is quite a lot of versions always in play in my artwork.
We have A1/2/3 (+ b) and B1/2 (+ b) with each getting more ‘weird’. Starting with it being ‘normal’ as can be then going to add her original pussy left destoyed after birthing this giga cunt and it being split and left open at the base and also a prolapsed cervix version also often at the end.
Note the ‘normal’ naked versions added are for reference of her without any mods, more perspective on the art is the intent. ALSO sorry, there prob would be a version with piercings and heavy cum shooting out of her, but ran out of time for this mock to be out. -_- This will cum in the final versions *Snigger*.
Poll Two – Going to be blunt on this one. I’ve gotten ideas for projects and ideas as mentioned over and over again. I’ve started prep on all of them and well upto now I’m not sure what would be best to deliver on the most first. So enough guessing, I’ll put it out as a vote. It will be content needed to tip / donate to view it I won’t lie, but all the same which of the three choices would you like most?
— ONE) Pinup special – Special girls from all over with all shapes and sizes of vaginal gape and all broken and loose as fuck. Got a few ways I can deliver this as a fun medium presentation (Girls in the news / fashion models with hyper mons / calendar girls etc) and the girls would be high quality and high detailed and coloured with probably several versions of each girl and all designed to please and each unique. Might try for a little caption beside each one to add some nice context to the girl, her body or something cheeky. Might be able to deliver this once quicker as a note too.
— TWO) #GaperProblems – Eye opening or maybe comical ‘issues’ being a giant cunted girl brings. A set of images maybe showing or describing some problems and the frustrations it could bring. All different sizes and girls in mind. Thinking things like being slippy under foot, growing too large, or ‘mobility’ issues would be just the tip of examples I could do. Captions naturally would be added to make the most of the set.
— THREE) Developing Girl – Mix of dojin (comic) and static pages with full poses of a girl who changes. Might focus more on the weird and strange or abstract excess and growth both mentally and physically (don’t want to give too much away just yet, hee hee) but the end result will go from more normal to wild and a touch freaky along the way on a single character. More focus on change and growth over the other sets, so seeing her develop and change, this is the pack for that.
Jools A.M.A. Return – Jools has asked once more for questions after enjoying them last time. As always all questions are valid, and shes most welcome to answer most of them, so maybe throw some out there and see what happens huh? Always happy for questions, so ask away.
That’s all for now. I’m trying to go back and finish off old material and I’ll be watching the polls like a hawk, so vote if you will and yeah…. more epic surreal pumped gaping sex deformed cuties as soon as I can get them to you! Thanks again~ Sius