Hay Everybody!
Sorry for the silence, time to show I’m still alive! Hoped to have some promotion material for you and be able to explain what I’ve been working on but for the last 3 weeks or so I’ve had quite strong burn out as well as RL extra commitments and that’s knackered my schedule, and that’s put bits a little behind time wise ¬_¬ Still, back on track now in my own way and will have something to give about in a few more weeks. Thanks for your patience and understanding as always.
Might as well do some housekeeping and catch up while I’m here, so lets do just that…
Refinement – So I’ve been working hard on this project idea in spare time (again, more details soon) but also learnt a few thing and have speeded up how I work on material by some cheeky little tactics in photoshop, which will always help going forwards and means work can come just a touch quicker than it has before. Guess there is always more to learn. Good times!
Discord – The link randomly killed itself for no reason I can see, so you couldn’t join. Luckily found and corrected all the links on this site now. Again, pop on in if you have a moment, got a lovely community going there that has been great so far and enjoyed what’s on, so consider doing the same here.
Poll – Latest poll was interesting, not that the results I didn’t expect, but the quantity and distribution of votes was telling. I had no idea that there would be so much call for stories / captions on art works as much as there has been. I’d have guessed photomanips would be in that place instead quite easily – I guessed wrong! Just goes to show both of these are craved. And the one person who wanted the RP logs knows what’s what – that’d be some intense material that’d rock your socks off people, too hot to post now, lol.
Stories? – Okay so people have voted they want stories more than anything. I have stories in my head ready to do and write but I’m not an author really. I might just try and write something and see what the feedback on it is, see if you enjoyed it or not. I’d love to have a dedicated author put forwards to write some of this, so if you want to try… just drop me a message… or try discord. I could do with the help!
Link – Good friend and 3D render artist Cymic44 set up his own space (as suggested by me), so go over there and check his works out for more fun material here.
New Content? – Getting something out the last few months has been delayed, I’m hoping to have some photomanips out for you all soon and also some new art before tooooo long to hopefully keep you all at peace. Shooting for the new few days/ within a week ideally on that, so check back soon ^_^
Thanks as always – have a good one my friends! – Sius