TL;DR = Sorry for slow update. Thanks for votes, new art soon. Thanks for your patience and support as always!
**** General ****
So thanks for the voting so far! I’ll do a small break down of each of the polls and the results gathered SO FAR as I see it and how I can apply them to this website.
These polls are STILL open below this post, so feel free to vote and influence and speak your mind on whats listed. They are going nowhere fast – new votes will be noted.
So I intend to react and work from the input of the polls to apply to this site as best I can, as well as curiously understand my audience (results show your all a little loopy, but that’s okay with me ^^)
**** Poll-ageddon Feedback ****
Some of these polls you’ll notice I’ve done in a list of four. Two cases of extreme high and low and the other two ether side of the average. Mathematically you can work things out as +2/+1/-1/-2 this way.
Visibility – This poll would help identify how much the lore would explain / hint and comment on the girls in a greater contest when an explanation or story added to the image. Interesting what you all through.
Results (as I write – AIW) show more or less options ‘KINDA hidden’ (-1) and ‘VERY exposed to the world’ (+2) as the top ones and close side by side. Over all its a (+16) in favor of viability mathematically stating – but yeah.. golden results here.
Freaky Monstrous Poll – I can see a VERY telling attitude here. Near all of it is ‘like to 11 or bigger’ in general. Anything smaller is very minority. This is very curious and interesting, think I know what people want to see more of here this.
I have a plan to do more outlandish and maybe zany designs women in the future. Surprised it was currently so one sided. While normal character will appear still obviously it means transformations can go bananas now. Fun fun!
Size Poll – I’m not surprised at all here. You all a load of size queens and kings here, with bigger obviously being what you look for generally. Don’t get me wrong I still will run the gambit in terms of scale and size but.. may push to go a little more crazy big maybe?
Sets or Single Images Poll – I was somewhat delighted to hear this, as 80% of my works have this in mind. I AM actually trying to do one offs more to get art out for you all on quicker turn over between large sets but will intend to continue in large sets together. Result!
Story Consistency – Curious case on this one, originally being more a 75% to 25% to be whatever I want and not bound to lore… slowly its been more 60% to 40% lately, which is interesting and take that people don’t TOTALLY hate whats been done so far.
Still planning what would be best here in honesty – its interesting to see people feel okay about whats been done (even if less than ‘random go for it’) but ultimately gives heart I’ve not fucked up tooooo badly.
**** So whats next people? ****
Okay, so I have a few pieces I was in the middle of what I should try and clock off. I’m doing a few random one off images / characters just to pass the time which are going so so but I’ve also gotten a good few multi image sets too I’ve left before finishing.
It’s a curse – but hopefully I’ve gotten an out. So anyhow after I’m done with my current art work I have two things next in the queue.
First is the idea of polling which art needs to be completed next. I’ve resisted posting some of this because it’d spoil the final thing, but it may instead FORCE me to finish work off instead by doing this – sorry if it does spoil some of it for you all.
Anything voted on will get priority and then be worked on ideally till its boxed off and the unsuccessful image will go another round against another image at a later date. May do themes or art at the ‘same level’ to make it fair and ideally not lob sided.
Second one is going to be acting on the feedback with ‘Project Chrysalis’. It’ll be more weird and unusual and have abstract and warped designs based on what people asked for in the polls. Have a theme / setting and will be rolling out the art soon!
I’ll probably release content for this between the finish me off polls so I don’t burn out on ether side of the development process.
I also have a new artist to promo soon as well as a new doodle I started while doing this that will come out soon with that poll. So Lets see how this goes. Thank you all, till next time!