What started as a Anon ‘Drawfag’ As she unflatteringly calls herself on 4Chan. Basically after a thread or two inside of /D/ under huge cunts a honey with a talent for drawing posted the below images.
A few have requested her setup a hentai foundry account and post her stuff there, but nothing so far -_- . which she has now done ^^, probably here www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Blasie/profile
As a result I’m going to post some of her artworks, lest they disappear offline and will be happy to host / post any of her artworks in this area in future.
Though I posted a request to host the works by her, I never got a response – so I hope she doesn’t mind. In fact it’d be rather fab if she wanted to post any more here.
Maybe we can sort something out, but if not hopefully you’ll enjoy the new material as much as I have.
Also ‘Hyper Pussy Overdrive’ is now a thing. Weirdest magical girl power ever… just saying!