Woo, this ones WELL over due to be released, had to go back and tweek some minor stuff and seems along time coming – but here we are. Another departure from the more submissive cute and other themes you know me for with this one, the first GAPEZONIAN! (Dum dum DUMM!)
But seriously, I don’t have a thing for muscle or anything, but this one was an experiment that, I can say turned out really well in all honesty and was delighted by the final look of Fujiko. Sequences like this…. yes, hopefully more transformations like this in the future maybe me thinks!
We have now the indervidual images set in a table like frame (which sadly lights up like a xmas tree, so much for making it hidden wordpress!) but hopefully if you like a image you can get it this way, otherwise we also have the RAR files with all the images at the bottom of the set. Enjoy!
So as always I hope you all enjoy. Like the last iGAPES entry this was another theme change from the normal. Please click a thumbs up below if you enjoyed it (and if you don’t enjoy, just don’t click ^^) and that’ll let me know you would not mind seeing more of this stuff. With my thanks!