Hello my lovely people!
Content? – I hadn’t intended to say too much today as I don’t have TOO much new stuff to show off right here today (easy, easy, down girl!) . Not that I’ve been lazy, oh no no no! – but I’m just unable to show the results right away, but it’s good – more highly detailed gaper art and extra material was made and just needs some TLC before release.
Faster!, Nastier? – I think I’ve also come to a conclusion while setting things up in ther back end that and doing what I do is maybe FAR too much detail for my own good. It’s almost too much detail for the content it needs to be. So my work is just too good for this level of porn? – I joke, but there is a kernel of truth in this. Maybe quicker, simpler content maybe better than limited high end and time intensive work?
Honestly I think doing more ‘rough’ art along side the super detailed stuff maybe a key thing going forwards. Before you link me to an old post or two with me saying that one in the past, I know, I just forget how much easier and quicker content can be banged out, you know (I’m bad at this, leave me alone ^^)
So yeah… the good side is that the quicker stuff just maybe perfect for site content as well, high enough standard to show but didn’t take around 10 hours just to outline. So goal for the next month will be a test period of this and you people maybe subject to the results! This month I’m crazy tight for time, but even I can find a few hours here and there to test the theory out.
Story ‘ElevatioN’ – so part 2 of the story is… going to be continued.
I was… ‘upset’ originally that for a week or two that only ‘2’ people seemed to like the story I’d started with that thumbs up as asked if you enjoyed it. Was it that bad? Was the writing that off? Had I failed to please people and deliver? Maybe yes…. and I was just going to maybe lazily finish it off in a month make it only a few pages long or twos time and put it on the back burner.
Luckily people seemed to have cared a little more since and was up to (at the time of this writing) ‘9’ – which is about what I’d hoped. You have to consider only a few people care to actually input on these things despite hundreds of people visiting the site… but its the only gauge I have. Anyhow. So with that in mind I hope to do more with the story sooner than later. Was a good break away from the art, but just as much work. When it comes back I’ll make sure some time is put into it.
Too Hardcore? – So I know my audience (mostly judging from the past poll ) I have maybe different to the one I am considering, but I want to offer my content to a greater range really and may compromise to do so – get more people thinking about this fetish. In short I maybe going a little too overboard as I’m going my thing 100% of the time.
So along with the high detail art I tend to do more gape heavy pussies or more ‘realistic’ ones. We all know it’s good and the right path (^^). Now its spared on by me not being scared of the vagina and think its kinda of great to have developed into this fantasy size and swollen shape and gaped mass maybe decorated with piercings but for others… the gaped mass of pussy walls maybe a little too ‘real’… that and the piercings too I guess?
So after showing some content to others I came to find that honestly…. it maybe just too much for general fans of the kink. More big / pumped pussy is good, inside the pussy makes them squirm somewhat. SO…. I might TRY some smaller pussies, some less gapey ones and less defined ones. Keep it softer, rounder and less raw.
I was also going to make this a poll, but the prior one basically asked this same question in a round about way. So instead it maybe just a humble thing to say I MIGHT try my hands at this in the future as the odd image, and I hope people don’t mind it too much maybe what I’m saying.
Anyhow for a quick blog post this has gone on long enough. Gotta get back to that grind stone – Cheers all, more content coming soon! Sius