Monthly Archives: October 2011

..:: Manips to Pass The Time ::..

Just some quick manips, thats is all…. +26

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..:: iG Changing Possibilities – Hybris S.T.D. Infection ::..

Gathered Research on the transformation known as the Hybris Infection, sexually transmitted disease.   In a Nutshell, What is the Hybris Infection? – The great Hybris infection was the point when critical control over hybris and the females exposed to it was lost, and the world started changing into a more lawless and sexually bizarre […]

Posted in iGAPES BACKSTORY / INFO, STORIES / WRITTEN | Tagged as: , , ,

..:: iG Changing Possibilities – Corrupting Hybris Taint (C.H.T.) ::..

..:: Gathered Research on the transformation known as the Corrupting Hybris Taint (C.H.T) ::..  Breakdown of Details Below… As well as a changing method, the corruption / taint is also a underline theme to it. Vast living caves, organic and vaginal looking are created by accident with want to grow. They expand from the females […]

Posted in iGAPES BACKSTORY / INFO, STORIES / WRITTEN | Tagged as: , , ,

..:: iG Changing Possibilities – The P.G.P. ::..

Gathered Research on the item known as the Produced Genital(ia) Projection (P.G.P.)   In a Nutshell, What is a P.G.P.? – A PGP is a biotech iGAPES product which bonds to the crotch of the user to give them an instant gaping pussy as it transforms to become part of the female user. Created after […]

Posted in iGAPES BACKSTORY / INFO, STORIES / WRITTEN | Tagged as: , , ,

..:: iG Changing Possibilities – The Hybris Egg ::..

 Gathered Research on the item known as the Hybris Egg   In a Nutshell, What is a Hybris Egg? – A hybris egg is a cocoon like orb which contains inside a substance called ‘hybris’. Hybris changes females and transforms their minds and bodies into extremely sexually focused designs, usually with very pronounced orifices and […]

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