Tis a pleasure to show off some works of somebody I’ve enjoyed seeing art works of, but never knew much about him till lately (no really, his art I’d seen by me but I had no idea who it was), This is about the works of ImmortalTom.
Lately Mr I.Tom has done some LI and gape related material, which is very much in the style of this site, but he also has done works for the MBAP (Multi-Breast Art Page) [Also hosted on the same web space as iGAPES – check the link below] and has offered his arts to the site – and I shall take him up on such an offer!
Like many artists he mixes up his fetishes and brings fun material to the table, and Sius is all about artists who can have a little fun with their works.
His more gape material can be found here – http://immortaltom.blogspot.com/
MBAP Material can be found here and also here too.
With some luck there maybe some more material like this in the future, but we’ll see what takes Tom’s interest.
Also, while I’m here – just to say that the way to post responses has had to be changed to registered users rather than random on the fly posts. The amount of sp@m was just… stupid. seriously, it was out of control, so this is the only solution bar making it a silent board. I don’t expect to get much feedback, but that’s fine, it’s the material you come to see more than anything, not to have a discussion – so just so you all know.