Art? – So hay people quick heads up, this time I’ve missed my spot to update and get new or backlogged art out this weekend. A little too busy in truth and think a pause it needed regardless in the content to reflect.
WHAT! – Now now, no need for them touches and pitchforks! A little mercy I beg please ^_^ But honestly up to now I’ve made a okay start I think with some of this stuff and pleased to finally get it out. Of course this may strike again every few weeks, but for now I’m on a trail to get stuff done and out there.
Feedback – I hope you’ve enjoyed them too? For anybody who doesn’t know the green thumbs up in the bottom left of a post is a nice quick way to show you liked it so maybe just click that if you dig and enjoy what you see? Thanks in advance for the feedback!
New WIP – The next picture I have in mind (Subject to change if needs be) are a transformation set I’d called ‘Before and After’. She was going to gradually change over time and maybe have a friend seeing the changes over the weeks and remarks / captions.
This one however ended up going into crazy town USA and changed from a gentler TF to excessive slightly maddening variations of mutation. Fun fun. So a little more warped body changes than the normal, but hay, you kids love this stuff, right?!
Reflective – I do panic I don’t do enough more normal stuff, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it here before, but the longer you work on a project sometimes the crazy hyper silly fun sized ideas start or changes over the days / weeks when I put the odd hours into them and some go off the deep end or I wished I’d calmed down.
Cutie Problems – The other one I have in mind is what I’ve called the ‘Sad cutie with big problems’ set. These ones are crazy fun designs in a more balling forwards and out of control kind of design. I love doing them and have considered doing a pack on these at some point.
I decided this one I’d consider making a free example of sorts or shots of it to see interest in this style as well as making some super fun polls about her to come (like what caused her to change and grow, Name to pick, back story ideas, what you’d like to see next if she is used again) so I’m looking forwards to getting that released.
RR Update – Lastly this year is going fast, really stupidly quick and it scares me pretty bad and while my RL job threat isn’t gone it’s just at the sides for now. I’d mentioned on my sister site RR that I’d probably be free and easy at this point, but doesn’t seem the case. Blessing and a curse.
I’ll be looking to update that site with some art and an explanation at some point maybe to the chagrin of some after what seemed like a set deal – but if you like your weird futa, you know where to check in the weeks to come.
Cheers – I’ve typed too much, should be working on getting content done so love you and leave you all. Reminder too, Always good to hear what you think and grateful for input and people to speak up, so don’t be afraid to do anything like that too. Till next time lovely fans! – Sius