Back in the Saddle – Hay all, I’ve had a little time away and I’m feeling my artistic side come on back (yay!), and hopefully get back on track. Hoping to get back to a more regular sceduale of updating.
Pixiv Links – Some of the pixiv links didn’t work after an update and while some more pending a fix hopefully most are back to working as links.
Thumbs up? – Anyhow… This small post is more to say that I’ve FINALLY taken the time to add a like button below the post. All it does it say if you enjoyed the content – if you liked when you saw then click on the thumbs up, bottom of the post.
Doesn’t go to any media sites like facebook or twitter, doesn’t need you to login or do much and its private and anonymous – but lets me know if what I’ve draw or written is on the right track or not and makes me know I should do more of it.
It’s the next best thing to a reply / responce to the post, gets my motivation going again and hopefully draw more of what you like. Thanks once more crew!
**** Updated 28.02.13 ****
Another addition, added an iG art index at very top of page to save looking for iG work page after page in blog after a request (and use the tags for other content ^^) – Also thanks for the votes so far, please continue to vote as i’ts been a great help so far! – Sius out