Greetings! This is not your usual night of theatre! Sius is nowhere to be seen so I, Penumbra Frog, shall be your host for this evening. By courteous invitation I have been asked to join the iGapes site as a regular contributor, hopefully the first of many, as this becomes more of a community run website.
My ego would love it if everybody knew me already but that’s probably not the case. I do many, many, many different kinds of photo-manipulations and morphs with varying success. Most common themes include huge insertions, bulges, gapes, inflation, tentacles, long tongues, unbirth (yes, that’s right) and a whole menagerie of other fetishes. I enjoy my Jack of All Trades/Morphs/Fetishes approach and try to maintain it as best I can.
Since this is a gaping site though… You’ll probably only be seeing the insertion stuff (mainly anal) with a few unbirths thrown in for good measure. I’ll probably advertise some of my other works too for variation but only as an update alert for my main repository at:
To start things off I’m posting a pretty broad selection my gape related morphs with a few extra fetishes thrown in for fun. Enjoy!!