**** Foreword ****
The following interview has been heavily modified and is a deviation from the creators original direction. My contributor, good but interesting job with their attempt at making a character for the interview, but with Three problems.
- Some sketchy iG world details (so making it less based on the iG mythos of timeline)
- A bit of snuff though vore – which is a little too guro for me. (again removed in the 1st version)
- Implied aged related and some other material that’s off kilter.
The original version is below this the first one, and would if the above things don’t bother you maybe the one to look at instead (as hay, its how the author wanted it read – but its REALLY I think for a selection) for the rest of you, probably find the modifided version more palatable.
The following interview contains vore, muscle and female domination ontop of all the other usual iGAPES giant pussies and breasts.
**** Modified Interview ****
Interview with an iGAPES (Tomi Mitsuharu)
I am Angeline Baudet of the International World News. Tonight I am fortunate to be interviewing Tomi Mitsuharu. She is a young Japanese bodybuilding superstar everyone is talking about. During the past 11 months she has won the Miss America, and Miss Universe contests. She is the only woman to have ever won all both contests, and at only 19, she is also the youngest.
Good evening Tomi. I hope you are comfortable; I’ve got a few questions our readers are burning to ask. Please, don’t worry about the manner of your answer, but feel free to be as open with us as you can be. If you think a question is too personal, feel free to skip it.
iG Tomi: – I’m perfectly comfortable, thank you. I will do my best to answer them all.
AG: – Great. Your wearing a string bikini that only covers a tiny portion of your magnificent body. All of our readers have no doubt seen your physique but please describe yourself physically.
iG Tomi: – Well, I’m 6 feet 3 inches tall and I weigh 257 pounds. My shoulders are 3 feet wide and my chest is 36 inches deep. My muscles are obviously the most noticeable feature some have referred to me as hulkish even. I have gained awards for size and definition there is only a handful of people male and fewer women that so far come close to my mass index.
AG: – Not to mention that you are also a very beautiful young woman.
iG Tomi: – Why thank you Angeline. That’s very sweet.
AG: – Obviously your amazing physique puts you in a class by yourself, but is there anything about yourself that you would consider unusual?
iG Tomi: – Well as I’m sure many of your readers may have guessed I am indeed an iGAPES altered changed female, Let’s see what else…Well, perhaps my vulva. I read that nearly half of all females are iGAPE women and from what I see, most have large openings, cave-like, loose labia, but not many are like me.
AG: – Since you mentioned you are an iGAPES changed lady, please, if you would, describe your changes from the process in more detail.
iG Tomi: – Right now while perfectly relaxed my vulva is spherical, nearly 24 inches across. It is a gape but it’s not loose as I mentioned. It is a large strong tight ball. The outer labia resemble soft beach balls pressed together and somewhat flattened.
The inner labia are like two slightly smaller balls, also partially flattened. You can just see the tip of my flaccid clitoris. This all changes when I get aroused. The labia swell and open up like a flower. When the labia enlarge, my vulva gets much wider. As they continue to get bigger the labia also extend outward, or forward, in front of my pelvis.
When I’m full size, my gape is almost 4 feet thick and extends a full 5 feet in front of me, like a long thick tube, all in several shades of the pink.
My clitoris would be completely lost if it didn’t also get larger, and it does, all the way to 20 inches thick and angled up out of the labia by 4 feet. And my entire vulva is wonderfully sensitive.
AG: – A quick description of your profession or any particular skills you’d like to mention.
iG Tomi: – Most people only know me for my body building career, since I’m only 18 they think that’s all I can do. But I have already started on college level courses and I am doing surprisingly well, I hope someday to perhaps become a doctor.
AG: – Let me make a note of that. All right, next question. How would you describe yourself, personality, maybe your view on life? Just so people understand where you’re coming from.
iG Tomi: – I’m very passionate about what I do. Currently my main interests are training my body, I don’t think I’ll ever be big enough, and studies. Those activities require intense concentration and when I’m finished with them for the day I really like to have some fun and unwind.
Relaxing is hard when you train often, most of my time is spent eating; laughs, these muscles require a lot of nourishment, and of course due to my changes a healthy sexual appetite in addition.
AG: – How did you come to make the change over into an iGAPES kind of girl? What triggered it or made you decide?
iG Tomi: – Shortly after I was born, my mother decided to become an iG woman. Within a few months she had mutated into a hybris egg producer. During that time she fed me. When her nipples had grown too large for me to suckle, she used a pump to fill bottles for me. My father died when I was only a year old. He didn’t leave much of an estate, but mother sold her eggs to a corporation, so there was always enough. Taking care of me and the house and her increased egg production soon was more than she could manage by herself, my aunts, also iG women helped tremendously.
I started to change when I was at a young age, but I attribute it to drinking hybris infused milk so long, given my mothers occupation it was only time before I also came in contact with one of the eggs, that is what really started my rapid mutations. My predisposed genetics since all my fathers family were large women, and living 24 hours a day all the hormones I was exposed to, my muscles started to grow with the other effects to my body sort of an overall change.
AG: – Could you describe how the transformation process felt to you? Was it painful, how long did it take you to become what you are?
iG Tomi: – Well from where I sit now it was only a few short years ago. I was a late bloomer for most women but given that I was exposed for so long I was not shocked with what was happening. As my muscles got bigger they were also a source constant stimuli; laughs. I was curious I experimented of course. My self-confidence grew daily as did my libido and desire for sex. Although my muscles have kept growing, my gape was fully formed and full sized within roughly a year.
AG: – So has being this way modified any other aspects of your body? Given the fantastic alterations that hybris is known for, are there any other modifications you are willing to let us in on?
iG Tomi: – Well even given my desire for body building I suppose the only odd modification is not a modification at all, but rather a benefit of the process, instead of tightening up and flattening out, I’ve been fortunate to retain female curves even with my training regimin.
AG: – Has being like this changed your perception of the world much?
iG Tomi: – Not really. I have come to realize that society still has not learned to fully accept or tolerate a minority. For many people, iG females are just plain different. Society at large must come to grips with the fact that iG females will most likely be a majority in a few years. Though I DO think laws against public sex are sadly out dated; laughs.
AG: – I have to ask for our readers, any regrets at all? Are you happy as things have turned out? Certainly awards and public notice have not spoiled your attitude?
iG Tomi: – No regrets. I enjoy my size and my shape, I am young so I have a whole life of work ahead of me but I there is a great deal of growth to come, of that I am certain!
AG: – Do you have trouble finding clothing to cover all of you up?
iG Tomi: – Laughs; can I call back to the answer about public sex laws? No, honestly, I don’t worry about that. I like showing off, who doesn’t? I traveled to the studio and am being interviewed after all.
AG: – How do you find moving around your home and getting about? Do you need to make any special arrangements to help at all with this?
iG Tomi: – I’ve been fortunate to afford a custom built house. Everything in it has been made extra large, furniture, doorways, rooms, etc. Not just for my gape, but also for my body frame.
AG: – And how have your friends reacted?
iG Tomi: – All my friends love different aspects of my body. We have great times together doing all sorts of things. And with some I share a warm, loving sexual relationship.
AG: – What has been the most difficult thing to overcome? Have you come across any or set any personal limits?
iG Tomi: – I don’t consider myself limited really, the only thing that limits me are certain aspects of my studies it seems, classes can be a bit of a downer! Physically? Sure there are a few things that give me difficulty, your studio chairs might need a little reinforcing, I feel like I could break it if I move!
AG: – Well, we will have to take that into consideration if we are fortunate to have you back in the studio. What part of your body do you take pride in the most? What features are your favorites?
iG Tomi: – I’m very proud of my muscles, they may be an iGAPES based mutation, I have continued to train hard to reach my current size. I guess my favorite parts are my chest and my biceps. With a bit of flexing, I can expand them to truly enormous size. Of course, because I enjoy sex, my vulva is also a favorite, but I had no hand in its development, I just really like the result.
AG: – Are you seeing somebody at the moment? Have you ever considered hiring some hands to help out around the home and keep you pleased, as I’m sure being the way you are has made the entire thing complicated?
iG Tomi: – I think now would be a good time to discuss my sex life. I have my contest prize money, of course, but that’s only a small part of my income. There are literally hundreds of people from all walks of life who are willing to pay a lot of money just to spend time with me indulging in various activities. Men, pure women, and iG women, it is all a matter of personal preference.
Muscle worship is enjoyed by a fairly large group of people, mostly men, but not all. They want me to get my muscles pumped up so I’m truly enormous. They want me to go all out. Some sessions are one on one and they always seem a bit like a wrestling match; laughing.
Others just want to have sex with me. Given my size I am tough to satisfy so these sessions involve forcing my erect clitoris into them. It’s sort of a masturbation session for me. Sex with other iG women of course is almost always the best though, nothing can be more exciting than it its almost electric.
When I want “normal” sex, I usually arrange for at least 3 men. I use their bodies all at once. But that is for them and not quite for your readers…”she grins a coy smile”.
Some are members of my fan club. Each member pays to join. Each time they are with me, they are charged a fee based on what they want to do. I call them when I want them to come and take part in one form or another. Although I have my favorites, I do my best to call each person at least once every 3 months. Even though I have rough 3 to 7 sessions every other day, and spend at least 14 hours each Saturday and Sunday occupied in session, there are so many people in the club that calling them more often than once every several months just isn’t practical.
AG: – Wow! That sounds exciting. Where do these sessions take place?
iG Tomi: – Usually in house visits now that my home has been modified for my own tastes. All the sessions are filmed. The room is equipped with several video cameras and still cameras in the walls. They are computer controlled, and they simply move off of motion it is tough to film some scenes and make them look right, after all, no one wants to see just my elbow or a blank wall.
AG: – How does someone join the club and what are the costs?
iG Tomi: – All of my phone numbers are unlisted, except one. When someone calls that number they connect with a recorded message that briefly explains itself and then asks for the person’s name and phone number. I call them and arrange an interview. Although the interview is extensive, I have only 3 general criteria. First, physical attraction, is their body healthy and good-looking. Second, is sexual appetite, finally, are they able to afford the session they are trying to be part of. This last condition is the only one that is somewhat flexible. If a person really appeals to me and does not have the necessary finances, I may let them join anyway. In return, the people in this special group work off payment in other ways such as helping me out on a regular basis.
AG: – And you multiple sessions each week, plus membership fees, correct? That totals a huge amount of money for you each year.
iG Tomi: – Yes, it does. I live comfortably now in the last year or so.
AG: – My readers would love to know, do you ever need to masturbate, to ‘drain’ yourself to relieve pressure, If so how often?
iG Tomi: – Towards the end of my training sessions, when I’m pushing for that last bit of strength, I get extremely aroused. So I often have to masturbate after the last set, the release is fabulous.
AG: – Does making love to something of normal size (maybe a male partner or maybe a regular sized dildo) bring you pleasure in knowing your capable of much more but enjoy it all the same, or is it a joke to you now?
iG Tomi: -One person, male of pure female, is never enough unless they are on the receiving end of my clitoris. Well, to be fair, even then one is often enough for a good orgasm.
AG: – Favorite sexual act you like to perform or have performed on you?
iG Tomi: – Honestly, I’ve never thought of that. I try so many variations and I enjoy them all. I really don’t think I could pick a favorite.
AG: – What’s the greatest number of objects you’ve inserted at one time, was it enough?
iG Tomi: – Laughs, I can say it was in the double digits, and yes, it was definitely enough.
AG: – And do you keep healthy and toned at all through exercise and a diet, or do you find having this sexual appetite is all you’ll need to keep on top?
iG Tomi: – I stay on top because of the sum total of who I am, sexually, physically, and mentally.
AG: – Would you say you experiment much with your body, or do you like it the way it is?
iG Tomi: – I experiment all the time. I’m constantly trying new exercises, supplements, or anything else that would help, of course, I’m always willing to try some different out of or inside the bedroom.
AG: – Is there anything that you consider taboo, that you will not perform with your body?
iG Tomi: – No. I will try anything, anything at all. If it has the possibility to make me stronger or make my sexual activities more enjoyable, I’ll try it.
AG: – Do you find people still stare at you too much these days because of your gape or has society where you live accepted iG females as a normal thing?
iG Tomi: – I can’t say whether I’m being looked at because of my age, or physique. It certainly hasn’t hindered me in any way. But a few of my friends feel somewhat shy around me.
AG: – Some iG girls try to ‘cork up’, for want of a better phrase, to stop any leaks. Some result to towels and other plain methods, do you do anything as such to keep the ground dry?
iG Tomi: – I’m fortunate in that regard, my labia are pressed together too tight to need such.
AG: – Have you ever decided to get any piercing and jewelry for your vagina or other modifications to highlight it?
iG Tomi: – No. I really don’t find that attractive and needles have never been fun to me, certainly near that! Laughs.
AG: – What are your dreams and aspirations in life, what would you like to achieve?
iG Tomi: – Mentally, I want to get my Doctorate. Physically, I want to get truly gigantic muscles and become the strongest woman ever, and sexually, I just want to be able to continue what I’m doing for years to come.
AG: – Is there anybody you idolize, anybody you look up to or aim to be more like?
iG Tomi: – I admire many people, especially the first generations of iG women.
AG: – Since the governments and companies have passed laws making it easier and more acceptable for an iG woman to be in public places, do you feel more accepted or more vulnerable these days?
iG Tomi: – This is a difficult question for me to answer. Certainly when iG women became known to the world, they we were regarded as freaks, there were rapes and no one seemed to care, or iG women were forced to wear normal clothes. Fortunately, those days have passed. It’s true that there are still some people who can’t tolerate iG women and vent their dislike, even hatred, in cruel ways. I hope the situation improves.
AG: – Do you ever catch yourself in the mirror and just look at what you’ve become? Do you ever compare yourself to photos of what you use to look?
iG Tomi: – Yes, of course, I do both of those things all the time. But it is with a positive feeling and admiration, and not one of regrets.
AG: – Is bigger better?
iG Tomi: – My vulva is as big as I want it to be, but that really can’t be controlled. I want my muscles to be bigger, or course, and perhaps that will cause my vulva to get bigger too. Hmm on second though maybe bigger IS better; Laughs.
AG: – What do you make of the girls who are so over grown they cease to move normally, permanently stuck on their vaginal seat?
iG Tomi: – If they can live a happy life, that’s fine. If they need assistance and can’t get it, that’s heartbreaking. I think the corporations should have some responsibility to assist iG women; after all they certainly had a hand in creating the women’s predicament.
AG: – Some girls say that their size decreases if their gape is inactive or mentally suppressed, while some claim the more they play the more it grows and swells. Do you find this is true in your experience?
iG Tomi: – No. But perhaps like all muscles, they will atrophy if unused, and grow if exercised.
AG: – Any advice for other gapers you’ve found helps you get through the day or have had to make?
iG Tomi: – Be yourself. Enjoy your body. Use it to explore everything you can about life.
AG: – Well, it has certainly been a pleasure talking with you Tomi. Thank you so very much. Maybe before you go you could flex your muscles for me?
iG Tomi: – Turn off that recorder and maybe we can work out a more personal interview, I’ll ask the questions this time…
**** Original Interview ****
Interview with an iGAPES (Tomi Mitsuharu)
Interviewer: – Hello. This is iGAPES Interview. I’m Angeline Baudet of the International World News. This time we are fortunate to be interviewing Tomi Mitsuharu. She is the young Japanese bodybuilding superstar everyone is talking about. During the past 11 months she has won the Miss America, Miss World, Miss Olympia, and Miss Universe contests. She is the only person to ever win all four contests in a row and at only 18 years old, obviously the youngest to win any of them.
Good evening Tomi. I hope you are comfortable, our furniture selection in the studio is limited. Now, I’ve got a few questions to ask you, don’t worry about how you answer, but please be honest with us. If you think a question is too personal, feel free to skip it.
iG Tomi: – I’m perfectly comfortable, thank you. I will do my best to answer truthfully.
Interviewer: – Great. You are wearing a string bikini that only covers a tiny portion of your magnificent body. Please describe yourself physically.
iG Tomi: – Well, I’m 6 feet 3 inches tall and I weigh 457 pounds. My shoulders are 4 feet wide and my chest is 3 feet deep. My muscles are really very large, some people call them huge. In fact they are larger than any woman’s and there are only a few men in the world who have bigger muscles than me. And I’m very very strong everywhere, even my labia and vagina.
Interviewer: – You forgot to mention that you are also a very beautiful young woman.
iG Tomi: – Why thank you Angeline. That’s very sweet.
Interviewer: – Obviously your amazing physique puts you in a class by yourself, but is there anything about yourself that you would consider unusual?
iG Tomi: – Hmm, well, perhaps my vulva. I read that nearly half of all females are iGAPE women and from what I see, most have large openings, cave-like, with loose labia, but not many are like me. Mine is a ball with the labia folded snugly up against each other, like a flower bud.
Interviewer: – Since you mentioned you are an iGAPE, please describe your genitals in more detail.
iG Tomi: – Right now I’m perfectly relaxed and my vulva is spherical, over 24 inches across. It is a gape but it’s not saggy or floppy. It is a large strong tight ball. The outer labia resemble soft beach balls pressed together and somewhat flattened. The inner labia are like two slightly smaller balls, also partially flattened. You can just see the tip of my flaccid 6 inch clitoris. This all changes when I get aroused. Then the labia swell and open up like a flower. When the labia enlarge, my vulva gets much wider. As they continue to get bigger the labia also extend outward, or forward, in front of my pelvis. When I’m full size, my flower-like gape is almost 4 feet thick and extends a full 5 feet in front of me, like a long thick tube, all in several shades of the sweetest pink. My little clitoris would be completely lost if it didn’t also get larger, and it does, all the way to 20 inches thick and angled up out of the labia by 4 feet. And all of that beautiful vulva is wonderfully sensitive.
Interviewer: – And a quick description of your profession or any particular skills you’d like to mention.
iG Tomi: – Most people only know me for my muscularity and since I’m only 18 they think that’s all I can do. But I have already graduated from college and have an advanced degree in Quantum Theory mathematics. And I’m currently working toward my Doctorate.
Interviewer: – A profession? Where does the money come from?
iG Tomi: – I assume you will ask me about my sex life, correct? Well, I’ll tell you about my finances then.
Interviewer: – Let me make a note of that. All right, next question. How would you describe yourself, your personality, maybe your view on life? Just so people understand where you’re coming from.
iG Tomi: – I’m very passionate about what I do. Currently my main interests are training my body, I don’t think I’ll ever be big enough, and my studies. Those activities require intense concentration and when I’m finished with them for the day I really like to have some fun and unwind. For that I enjoy eating, these muscles require a lot of nourishment, and sex, lots of sex. But what ever I do, I want to be in complete control of the situation. I never want to follow someone else’s lead.
Interviewer: – How did you come to make the change over into an iGAPES kind of girl? What triggered it or made you decide?
iG Tomi: – Shortly after I was born, my mother decided to become an iG woman. Within a few months she had mutated into a hybris egg producer. During all that time she breast fed me and continued to do so until I was 6. When her nipples had grown too large for me to suckle, she used a pump to fill bottles for me to drink from. My father died when I was only a year old. He didn’t leave much of an estate nor was there a lot of insurance, but mother sold her eggs to a corporation, so there was enough to get along with. Taking care of me and the house and her increased egg production soon was more than she could manage by herself, so she asked her 2 sisters to join us. They were also iG women, and the extra hands really helped.
I started to change when I was 10 years old. I realize that was a very young age, but I attribute it to drinking my mother’s milk for 6 years, constantly being in contact with the hybris eggs, and living 24 hours a day with all those hormones and pheromones the 3 women produced. My muscles started to grow along with my gape, sort of an initial overall mutation. The women in my father’s family were all large, so apparently my genes were already primed for that sort of change.
Interviewer: – Could you describe how the transformation process felt to you? Was it painful, how long did it take you to become what you are?
iG Tomi: – Two words, raging hormones. I don’t think any girl’s puberty has ever been so exciting or felt so delightful. As my muscles got bigger they were also a source of exhilaration and stimulation. I was constantly experimenting to see if there was anything I couldn’t do with my body. My self confidence grew daily as did my libido and desire for sex. Although my muscles have kept growing, my gape was fully formed and full sized by the time I was 15 years old.
Interviewer: – So has being this way modified any other aspects of your body? Have your breasts grown for example, or maybe something a little more… unusual?
iG Tomi: – Perhaps you’ve noticed that for a bodybuilder my breasts and nipples are rather large. My buttocks are very muscular, but again, my ass is much rounder and larger than other muscular girls. I suppose I could mention my clitoris, but that’s part of my gape and grew with it.
Interviewer: – Has being like this changed your perception of the world much?
iG Tomi: – Not really. I have come to realize that society still has not learned to fully accept or tolerate a minority. For many people, iG females are different and therefore we are less than human. This has always been true for minorities of all sorts. Society at large must come to grips with the fact that iG females will most likely be a majority in a few years. And another thing, I think that the laws against public sex are sadly out dated and I hope they will soon be repealed.
Interviewer: – Do you regret being this way, or are you happy there is no going back?
iG Tomi: – No regrets. I love being like this. I love being strong. I love iGAPE sex.
Interviewer: – Do you have trouble finding clothing to cover all of you up?
iG Tomi: – I don’t worry about that. I like showing off my body. After all, I traveled to the studio and am being publicly interviewed while wearing only the tiniest of string bikinis.
Interviewer: – How do you find moving around your home and getting about? Do you need to make any special arrangements to help at all with this?
iG Tomi: – I’ve been fortunate to afford having a custom built house. Everything in it has been made extra large, furniture, doorways, rooms, etc. Not just for my gape, but also for my huge muscles.
Interviewer: – How has your family reacted to you and your body since?
iG Tomi: – We are all iG women and support one another completely.
Interviewer: – And how have your friends reacted?
iG Tomi: – All my friends love all aspects of my body. We have good times together doing all sorts of things. And we share a warm, loving sexual relationship among ourselves.
Interviewer: – What has been the most difficult thing to try and overcome with a less flexible body like yours? Have you come across any or set any personal limits?
iG Tomi: – I don’t consider myself less flexible at all. I can move in anyway I want. I can do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. I mean, who could stop me? In fact, the only thing that limits me are certain aspects of my studies.
Interviewer: – What part of your body do you take pride in the most? What features are your favorites?
iG Tomi: – I’m very proud of my muscles, although they may have initially been an iGAPE mutation, I have trained hard for many years to reach my current size and strength. I guess my favorite parts are my chest and my biceps. With a bit of flexing, I can expand their already thick bulk to truly enormous size, much bigger than what you see now. Of course, because I enjoy sex so much, my vulva is also a favorite, but I had no hand in its development, I just really like the result.
Interviewer: – Are you seeing somebody at the moment? Have you found it hard to get attention from people around your area? Have you ever considered hiring some hands to help out around the home and keep you pleased, as I’m sure being the way you are has made the entire thing complicated?
iG Tomi: – I think now would be a good time to discuss my sex life and finances. It will help explain some things. I have my contest prize money, of course, but that’s only a small part of my income. There are literally hundreds of people from all walks of life who are willing to pay a lot of money just to spend time with me indulging in various activities.
Some men, pure women, and iG women like to worship my muscles and my vulva. They caress and kiss my powerful body while I flex or masturbate.
A rather odd kind of muscle worship is enjoyed by another fairly large group of people, mostly men, but not all, however all of them are masochists. They want me to get my muscles pumped up to their maximum so I’m truly enormous, and then they want me to brutally beat them. This is what they want. They don’t want me to hold back in any way. They want me to go all out. These sessions are one on one and always start out as a boxing or wrestling match. With my immense strength it usually takes a single blow for me to knock them down, even if the person is also muscular. Once they are down, I fall on them and start their beating. If wrestling, I use my arms and legs to squeeze, bend, twist, and crush their body. If boxing, my fists pulverize them. Make no mistake, their bodies are severely damaged, bones are split and broken, joints are pulled apart and smashed, organs are dislocated and injured, skulls are fractured, and faces are hammered beyond recognition. A bonus for me is I almost always have an orgasm as I finish demolishing their bodies. Since my opponent is usually unconscious throughout, each session is video taped so they can enjoy it later as they recover. A discreet EMT service has an ambulance and personnel on hand for each session. Since I enjoy this so much, every time someone is sent to the hospital, a new person is recruited. It’s not hard to find replacements.
Other men, pure women, and iG women want to have sex with me. No one person can satisfy me because of the size of my labia and vagina, so when I’m with only one man or pure woman, these sessions involve forcing my erect clitoris into their anus or vagina. It’s sort of a masturbation session for me. Sometimes an iG woman will want my clitoris up their anus, but usually they want me to shove my full size swollen vulva into their gape. As an added bonus, if their clitoris is also large, we rub them or squeeze them together, which can be very electrifying for both of us.
When I want to have vaginal sex, I arrange for at least 3 men to participate. I use their bodies all at once like a big fat dildo. I start by thrusting them in and pulling them out with my hands, but once I’m fully aroused my muscular labia and vagina take over the pushing and pulling. It’s not unusual for me to climax several times, especially when all of their bodies are completely inside of me. Suffocation does happen occasionally.
These people are all members of a club. Each member pays to join. Each time they are with me, they are charged a fee based on what they want to do. They never call me to ask to come over. I call them when I want them to come and take part in one form of sex or another. Although I have my favorites, I do my best to call each person at least once every 3 months. Even though I have 3 to 7 sessions every week day, and spend at least 14 hours each Saturday and Sunday occupied in sexual session after sexual session, there are so many people in the club that calling them more often than once every several months just isn’t practical.
Interviewer: – Wow! That sounds exciting. Where do these sessions take place?
iG Tomi: – Behind my house, hidden by forest from the road and my neighbors, is a low supermarket size building with a parking lot. In it there are 2 big rooms, one is my gymnasium where I workout and the other is my sexual recreation room. The sessions take place in the sex room. All the sessions are filmed. The room is equipped with several video cameras and still cameras hidden the walls. They are computer controlled, and the computer is controlled by sensors that detect where we are in the room and directs the appropriate cameras to film, after all, no one wants to see just my elbow or a blank wall.
Interviewer: – How does someone join the club and what are the costs?
iG Tomi: – All of my phone numbers are unlisted, except one. When someone calls that number they connect with a recorded message that briefly explains itself and then asks for the person’s name and phone number. I call them and arrange an interview, which gets very personal. Although the interview is complex, I have only 3 general criteria. First, what does the individual look like, are they attractive, is their body healthy and good-looking. Second, is the person interested in the same kinds of sex as I am. And finally, do they have enough money to join and participate regularly. This last condition is the only one that is somewhat flexible. If a person really appeals to me and does not have the necessary finances, I may let them join anyway. In return, the people in this special group agree to be my maids, valets, chefs, landscapers, and handymen. Some of them perform the same services for my mother and her sisters.
Once accepted, the person and I each sign a contract which states what each of us are, and are not, responsible for. Just to be safe legally, the contract explicitly describes the various activities and states what might happen and that we are both aware of the possible consequences, and that I won’t be held liable for anything, no matter what.
As for costs, they vary but here are some examples. Club membership is $25,000 annually. Muscle worship is $500 per session and a beating is $12,000.
Interviewer: – And you have approximately 45 sessions each week, plus all those membership fees, correct? That totals a huge amount of money for you each year.
iG Tomi: – Yes, it does. I live quite comfortably. But there is another source of income I haven’t mentioned. Voyeurs who do not want to, or can not afford to, join the club can buy videos and photo packs of earlier sessions from my web site. The cost of these items is fixed at $75 per item. The online and mail order businesses are operated by one of those from the special “free” group of members.
Interviewer: – Do you ever need to masturbate and ‘drain’ yourself to relieve pressure? If so how often?
iG Tomi: – Towards the end of my daily muscle training sessions, when I’m pushing for that last bit of strength, I get extremely aroused. So I just have to masturbate after the last set of lifts is finished. The release and high volume ejaculation feel fabulous.
Interviewer: – Does making love to something of normal size (maybe a male partner or maybe a regular sized dildo) bring you pleasure in knowing your capable of much more but enjoy it all the same, or is it a joke to you now?
iG Tomi: -One person, male of pure female, is never enough unless they are on the receiving end of my clitoris. Well, to be fair, even pounding one man is often enough for a good orgasm.
Interviewer: – Favorite sexual act you like to perform or have performed on you?
iG Tomi: – Honestly, I’ve never thought of that. I try so many variations and I enjoy them all. I really don’t think I could pick a favorite.
Interviewer: – What’s a sure way to make you ejaculate?
iG Tomi: – Masturbating after a heavy workout, beating a man to a pulp, and crushing several men in vagina at one time.
Interviewer: – And the longest orgasm you’ve had if you don’t mind?
iG Tomi: – Just over 2 hours with 4 men and 2 iG women simultaneously.
Interviewer: – What’s the greatest number of objects you’ve inserted at one time, was it enough?
iG Tomi: – That would be 11 men completely swallowed up by my vagina, and, yes, it was definitely enough.
Interviewer: – Has your ‘scent’ marked the walls of your home in some of your more playful moments? Some girls like to ‘mark’ materials they want, are you like this?
iG Tomi: – No, I don’t mark my home on purpose, but my gym and recreation room have the most amazing aromas.
Interviewer: – Do you wash regularly to cover it up any scents, or do you embrace it? If so, describe a usual method of cleaning yourself inside and out.
iG Tomi: – I don’t wash to remove my scent. I wash to be clean, like most people do. I completely enjoy my scent and the scents of my family and friends too.
Interviewer: – And do you keep healthy and toned at all through exercise and a diet, or do you find having this thing attached is all you’ll need to keep on top?
iG Tomi: – You must have written that question before you ever read about me. I stay on top because of the sum total of who I am, sexually, physically, and mentally.
Interviewer: – Would you say you experiment much with your body, or do you like it the way it is?
iG Tomi: – I experiment all the time. I’m constantly trying new exercises, supplements, or anything else that would help make my muscles bigger and give me even more physical power. And, of course, I’m always willing to try some different or unusual varieties of sex.
Interviewer: – Is there anything that you consider taboo, that you will not perform with your body?
iG Tomi: – No. I will try anything, anything at all. If it has the possibility to make me stronger or make my sexual activities more enjoyable, I’ll try it.
Interviewer: – Do you find people still stare at you too much these days because of your gape or has society where you live accepted iG females as a normal thing?
iG Tomi: – I can’t say whether I’m being looked at because of my age, my physique or my vulva. It certainly hasn’t hindered me in any way. But a few of my friends feel somewhat socially abused from time to time.
Interviewer: – Some iG girls try to ‘cork up’, for want of a better phrase, to stop any leaks. Some result to towels and other plain methods, do you do anything as such to keep the ground dry?
iG Tomi: – I’m fortunate in that regard, my labia are pressed together too snugly to allow any leaks.
Interviewer: – Have you ever decided to get any piercing and jewelry for your vagina or other modifications to highlight it?
iG Tomi: – No. I really don’t find that attractive on others and I certainly would never want to mar or blemish this magnificent body.
Interviewer: – What are your dreams and aspirations in life, what would you like to achieve?
iG Tomi: – Mentally, I want to get my Doctorate and become involved in searching for the Grand Unification Theory. Physically, I want to get truly gigantic muscles and become the strongest person in the world. Sexually, I just want to be able to continue what I’m doing for years to come.
Interviewer: – What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve have to overcome since changing?
iG Tomi: – Not masturbating all the time and not thinking about sex all the time.
Interviewer: – What is your greatest desire and fantasy?
iG Tomi: – Ha ha! I’m not sure, but I have had dreams about having 25 men inside my vagina, while squeezing my clitoris together with those of 5 other iG women, while suckling breast milk from a lovely young hybris woman, while crushing 3 men to death with my legs, while cracking the skull of a man with my buttocks, and while pounding another man senseless with my free hand. Is that weird, wild, and wonderful, or what?
Interviewer: – Any hobbies, and have they changed at all since your transformation and can you list a few you like to do?
iG Tomi: – Once I started to change and grow muscular, I haven’t really had the time or the need for hobbies.
Interviewer: – Is there anybody you idolize, anybody you look up to or aim to be more like?
iG Tomi: – I admire many people, especially the early iG women, but I have no idols.
Interviewer: – Have you had any complicated moments happen with your body? if so what where they?
iG Tomi: – Once, when I was 16. I had just arrived home from a drive in my mother’s car. My mind had been wandering and I was thoroughly erect and my muscles were maximum size and I couldn’t move to get out of the car without destroying it. I had to wait half an hour before I had calmed down enough to get out. My mother and aunts just sat on the porch and laughed all throughout my ordeal.
Interviewer: – Since the governments and companies have passed laws making it easier and more acceptable for an iG woman to be in public places, do you feel more accepted or more vulnerable these days?
iG Tomi: – This is a difficult question for me to answer. Certainly when iG women became known to the world, they were regarded as freaks, and laws or no laws, people treated them as animals. For example, there were rapes and no one seemed to care, or iG women were forced to wear normal clothes or no clothes. Fortunately, those days seem to have passed. It’s true that there are still some people who can’t tolerate iG women and vent their dislike, even hatred, in cruel ways. I hope the situation improves.
Personally, since I’ve gotten so strong, no one has attempted to harass or harm me in any way.
Interviewer: – Do you think of yourself as a more evolved or elite person, normal, or actually lesser in humanities eyes?
iG Tomi: – I think I’m normal. As far as society at large is concerned, I’ll let my physical and financial success speak for itself.
Interviewer: – Do you ever catch yourself in the mirror and just look at what you’ve become? Do you ever compare yourself to photos of what you use to look?
iG Tomi: – Yes, of course, I do both of those things all the time. But it is with a positive feeling and admiration, and not one of regrets.
Interviewer: – Describe an average day for Tomi Mitsuharu.
iG Tomi: – I’m up at 06:00 in the morning. Make a hearty breakfast and read the newspaper. Then I walk back to my gym and work out for 3 hours. A quick shower and I’m at my computer for 3 to 4 hours doing research. I have lunch, then run errands or go to appointments. Once I’m back home I have a snack and go back to the gym for another 3 hour workout. Then I make my phone calls for the evening’s sex sessions. I almost always have some friends over for dinner. I am very lucky to have 2 celebrated chefs in my club and they do my cooking. The food is wonderful. By 21:00 I’m ready for some sexual action, and depending on my mood it might last well passed midnight. I hope you realize that this is weekdays only. Weekends are all about eating and sex, sex, and more sex.
Interviewer: – Is bigger better?
iG Tomi: – My vulva is as big as I want it to be, but that really can’t be controlled. I want my muscles to be bigger, or course, and perhaps that will cause my vulva to get bigger too. In all honesty, yes, bigger and bigger and bigger is the best.
Interviewer: – What do you make of the girls who are so over grown they cease to move normally, permanently stuck on their vaginal seat?
iG Tomi: – If they can live a happy life, that’s fine. If they need assistance and can’t get it, that’s heartbreaking. I think the corporations should have some responsibility to assist iG women in need, after al,l they certainly had a hand in creating the women’s predicament. I’ve had sex with a few over grown iG women and it was sensational.
Interviewer: – Some girls say that their size decreases if their gape is inactive or mentally suppressed, while some clam the more they play the more it grows and swells. Do you find this is true in your experience?
iG Tomi: – No. But perhaps like all muscles, they will atrophy if unused, and grow if exercised.
Interviewer: – Any advice for other gapers you’ve found helps you get through the day or have had to make?
iG Tomi: – Be yourself. Enjoy your body. Use it to explore everything you can about life.
Interviewer: – Do you wish you’d formed in a different way or grown larger or smaller?
iG Tomi: – No. I think this physique and the size of my genitals are in a perfect proportion to each other. If my genitals get larger, then hopefully my muscles will too, and visa versa, although the latter hasn’t happened.
Interviewer: – It has been a pleasure talking with you Tomi. Thank you so much. There are just a couple of other questions. First, would you flex your muscles for me?
iG Tomi: – Thank you Angeline, you have asked some interesting questions.
About flexing for you. I usually don’t do this for free. However, I’ve noticed how you’ve been looking at me, how your vagina is getting wet, and how your lovely clitoris is expanding. So, for such an appreciative audience I will flex one of my arms. When I hold it out straight, like this, it doesn’t look too impressive, just very thick, and at 26 inches it’s bigger than most people’s thighs. Now watch what happens on the first flex, that’s a 30 inch bicep.
Interviewer: – [gasp!] Dear God.
iG Tomi: – Impressive don’t you think? Now when the arm is straight again, it remains an inch or 2 thicker. Another flex and there’s a 33 inch bicep. Do you mind if I hold your clitoris, it looks so inviting.
Interviewer: – Oh! Oh! Please, please do, yes.
iG Tomi: – Relax the arm again, now it’s 29 inches, another flex and you’re looking at a 35 inch bicep.
Interviewer: – [pant!] [pant!] Mmmm. please, more.
iG Tomi: – Relax, now it’s 30 inches. Another flex and it’s a 36 inch bicep. Does your clitoris feel all right?
Interviewer: – [gasp!] It’s so huge! You’re so huge! Oh God. [pant!] [pant!] Don’t stop!
iG Tomi: – One more flex and there you are. Bigger than the average man’s chest, a 37 inch bicep.
Interviewer: – Tomi, Tomi! You’re a goddess. I think I’m going to cum, Oh my. O-o-one last question. Can, can I join your club? Ahhhhhhh!
iG Tomi: – Call me.